Regards (Looks) in Segovia. May 21th. WITHIN THE CYCLE OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE

Regards (Miradas) en Segovia DENTRO DEL CICLO DE DANZA CONTEMPORÁNEA Teatro Juan Bravo. Plaza Mayor, 6. Segovia Función: 21 de mayo. 20:30 h. Duración: 1 h Precio: 8 €. Precio joven (menores de 25 años): 4 € Red de Teatros Públicos de Castilla y León   Regards (Miradas) es una oportunidad para mirar con el […]

Workshop “Scenic creation between the Body and the voice” ESP/FR

Stage Creation Workshop between the Body and the Voice It will be held from May 24 to 26 at the Instituto Cervantes in Casablanca. Directed actors, actresses, dancers, performances. It will be taught by Alicia Soto, stage director, choreographer, dancer and educator. This laboratory aims to make a bridge between somatic work, somatic movement […]

POETICS OF CREATION IN DANCE at the Abril en Danza Festival in Alicante

The Academy of Performing Arts of Spain will present the book POÉTICAS DE CREACIÓN EN DANZA at the Abril en Danza Festival in Alicante on Wednesday, April 20 at 6 p.m. at the Casa Mediterráneo (Pl. de l'Arquitecto Miguel López, s/n. Alicante). Alicia Soto, as Delegate of the dance specialty at the […]
