'La Petite Voiture 2.0' in Almada (Portugal). Inside Sementes-International Arts Show for the small public.

Alicia Soto presents her new show in Almada (Portugal) as part of the Sementes-Mostra International Arts programme for the young public. It will take place in Largo Gabriel Pedro square at 10pm. La Petite Voiture 2.0 is a technology and dance performance with itinerancy for the street that can be seen on 9th October […]
Workshop "Count your Body"

Workshop «Count your body». |
September 21 and 22 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. |
Taught by Alicia Soto.
Calderon Theater, Valladolid
The Garden of the Hesperides. PREMIERE IN MOROCCO. Dec 9 RABAT and 10 Dec. CASABLANCA

The Garden of the Hesperides. PREMIERE IN MOROCCO. Dec. 9 THÉÂTRE MOHAMMED V RABAT At 8:00 p.m. Link to the event. Dec. 10 THÉÂTRE MOHAMMED VI CASABLANCA At 8:00 p.m. The show El Jardín de las Hespérides is a multicultural project created between Morocco and Spain based on the female imagination on a round trip […]
The Garden of the Hesperides. Premiere in the Community of Madrid. Royal Coliseum Carlos III San Lorenzo de El Escorial. 11/11

The Garden of the Hesperides Royal Coliseum Carlos III San Lorenzo de El Escorial. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: theater website. On November 11 at the Real Coliseo Carlos III San Lorenzo de El Escorial, the show El Jardín de las Hespérides will premiere in the Community of Madrid, a multicultural project created between Morocco […]
The Garden of the Hesperides. Main Theater of Burgos. 11/13

The Garden of the Hespérides Main Theater of Burgos at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: theater website. On November 13, the show El Jardín de las Hespérides returns to the Principal Theater in Burgos, after its success in 2020, a multicultural project created between Morocco and Spain based on the female imagination on a one-way trip […]
'La Petite Voiture 2.0' in Zaragoza on October 9 at the Fiestas del Pilar

Alicia Soto presents her new show in Zaragoza at the Pilar Festival. La Petite Voiture 2.0 is a traveling technology and dance performance for the street that can be seen on October 9 at the History Center. The company Alicia Soto-Hojarasca presents her new production in which she addresses topics such as […]
Absolute premiere in Cebreros (Ávila) of 'La Petite Voiture 2.0'

Absolute premiere of Alicia Soto's new show. La Petite Voiture 2.0 is a technology and dance performance with roaming for the street. August 19 in Cebreros (Ávila). Within the programming of the II Edition of the Heritage Stage Festival of Castilla y León. The company Alicia Soto-Hojarasca presents her new production in […]
The Garden of the Hesperides. Municipal Theater of La Bañeza. August 16 at 8:30 p.m.

[av_video src='https://vimeo.com/468607618′ mobile_image=» attachment=» attachment_size=» format='16-9′ width='16' height='9′ conditional_play=» id=» custom_class=» template_class=» av_uid='av-mjbsjn' sc_version='1.0′] The Garden of the Hespérides Municipal Theater of La Bañeza (León) at 8:30 p.m. C/ Padre Miguélez, 16. La Bañeza. León Tickets: Consult the town hall or the theater website. On August 16 it can be seen at 8:30 p.m. in it […]
Artistic residency in Serrada for the creation of 'La Petite Voiture 2.0'

The company Alicia Soto-Hojarasca, thanks to the collaboration with the Serrada City Council, returns to the Valladolid town to carry out an artistic residency after her stay as a resident company from 2005 to 2013 and her various visits in 2020 to rehearse The Garden of the Hespérides to his national tour. The relationship between […]
The Garden of the Hesperides. The Musical Theater (TEM). January 29 at 7 p.m.

The production premiered on September 25 in Valladolid at the Teatro Calderón.